Thursday, June 29, 2006

MEDC 2006 Malaysia: An embedded OS comparison

The comparison table below is what I've copied from a few slides in one of the sessions in Track 3 of Microsoft Mobile & Embedded DevCon 2006 Malaysia, which took place in Sunway Convention Centre on June 27th, 2006.

I leave it up to you guys to evaluate how true it is, and comment. And yes, this is not about the general OS. The comparison is for Embedded OS only.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The TBC blog: 10/2005

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Social Engineering, The USB Way

This is an excerpt of an interesting article on the Net. I suggest you guys read up the whole thing from the source.

We recently got hired by a credit union to assess the security of its network. The client asked that we really push hard on the social engineering button. In the past, they'd had problems with employees sharing passwords and giving up information easily. Leveraging our effort in the report was a way to drive the message home to the employees.

The client also indicated that USB drives were a concern, since they were an easy way for employees to steal information, as well as bring in potential vulnerabilities such as viruses and Trojans. Several other clients have raised the same concern, yet few have done much to protect themselves from a rogue USB drive plugging into their network. I wanted to see if we could tempt someone into plugging one into their employer's network.

In the past we had used a variety of social engineering tactics to compromise a network. Typically we would hang out with the smokers, sweet-talk a receptionist, or commandeer a meeting room and jack into the network. This time I knew we had to do something different. We heard that employees were talking within the credit union and were telling each other that somebody was going to test the security of the network, including the people element.

Full Source:

Friday, June 09, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

Here is another mobile office. Still in very early stage.

You can save the file in the server or local workstation.

But it don't work well with our claim form. :(

You can subscribe at the Google lab site using your email address , once you register they will send a invitation email, then you can start trying it.
Think Free

(Click on the image to view larger and clearer picture)

Think Free - Type your document any place , any time and any computer , even without word or excel.

I type my document in my firefox browser.

After I finish my document , I can save it locally or at the server.

Hi Guys, no execuse not to fill in claim form , you can fill in the form at any computer.

After I finish my claim form , I can print it immediately.

Forget to bring laptop or presentation slide ? No problem , I launch it in the browser and run the slide show.

I can setup the slide show.

I can run the slide show.

I can even edit it in my firefox browser.

Like it ? Don't take it seriously because it is still in beta stage and no sure whether it will start collecting money or not after the official launch.

But anyway you can try it at Use you email address to apply an account and start having fun.

If you had try it , please share your experience with us. Thank you.