Being blind..
While shampooing my hair last nite,soap got into my eyes,lazy 2wash it off,so basically complete d whole scrubbing with my eyes closed.At that moment,I was blind,sight of total darkness with nothing but d feel of the my hands.Thought to mind-"so, this is how blind people feel,let me see whether i can be mobile without being able to see or not."..was quite pleased for the first 2 mins cos i know where everything is,but felt afraid at the 3rd min cos it was soo dark that i can't see a thing, felt so lost that i immediately had to wash the soap off my eyes..
We won't know how blind people feel until we are in their shoes.I may laughed at a blind man's clumsiness today,but am i able to take other people's insult when i am blind?If i can't, i had better start counting my blessings and help them instead.